02 October 2023 Today in History (English)

Created by Think Champ in Today In History 2 Oct 2023


Historical Events on October 2.

  1. International Day of Non-Violence & National Hygiene Day (India)

  1. 1608, 2nd October: Hans Lippershey patented telescope.

  1. 1925, 2nd October: John Logie Baird demonstrated the first television set.

  1. 1925, 2nd October: London’s first almost entirely enclosed red double-decker buses began service.

  1. 1955, 2nd October: Integral Coach Factory started at Perambur, India.

  1. 1958, 2nd October: Guinea gained independence from France.

  1. 1967, 2nd October: Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African-American judge of the US Supreme Court.

  1. 1969, 2nd October: The Reserve Bank issued Rs 2, 5, 10, and 100 notes bearing the signature and image of Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of his birth centenary.

  1. 2003, 2nd October: J. M. Coetzee won the Nobel Prize for literature.

  1. 2006, 2nd October: South Africa decided to support India on the nuclear fuel supply issue.

Famous Birthdays & Birth Anniversaries on October 2.

  1. 971, 2 October: Mahmud of Ghazni.

  1. 1452, 2 October: Richards III, English Monarch.

  1. 1847, 2 October: Paul von Hindenburg, Prussian-German field Marshal, and president of Germany.

  1. 1869, 2 October: M. K. Gandhi, the Indian leader who used Satyagraha and civil disobedience in his non-violent campaign for Indian independence.

  1. 1871, 2 October: Cordell Hull, American statesman, diplomat, and secretary to Franklin D. Roosevelt who was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1945.

  1. 1900, 2 October: Leela Roy, Indian independence activist, and politician.

  1. 1904, 2 October: Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indian freedom fighter, and India’s second Prime Minister.

  1. 1904, 2 October: Graham Greene, British novelist, playwright, short story writer, and journalist.

  1. 1914, 2 October: John Whiteside Parsons, an American rocket engineer, and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist.

  1. 1942, 2 October: Asha Parekh, Indian actress.

  1. 1966, 2 October: Kay Kay Menon, Indian actor.

Death Anniversaries of famous people on October 2.

  1. 1803, 2 October: Samuel Adams, an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

  1. 1906, 2 October: Raja Ravi Varma, Indian painter, and artist.

  1. 1927, 2 October: Svante August Arrhenius, a Swedish scientist. He was the first Swedish who won Nobel Prize.

  1. 1931, 2 October: Sir Thomas Lipton, Irish merchant, Tea tycoon, and yachtsman. 

  1. 1958, 2 October: Marie Stopes, a British author, and palaeobotanist who is known for her pioneering work in popularizing the importance of birth control and the use of contraceptives in England.

  1. 1975, 2 October: Kumaraswami Kamaraj, was an Indian politician and the president of the Indian National Congress, widely acknowledged as the “Kingmaker” in Indian politics during the 1960s. The former chief minister of Tamilnadu.

  1. 1982, 2 October: C. D. Deshmukh, the first Indian to be appointed as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

  1. 1985, 2 October: Rock Hudson, American actor.

  2. 1987, 2 October: Sir Peter Medawar, British biologist, and Nobel Prize winner.

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