08 September 2023 Today in History (English)

Created by Think Champ in Today In History 8 Sep 2023

Historical Events on September 8.

  1. International Literacy Day & World Physical Therapy Day 


  1. 1831, 8th September – William IV and Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen are crowned King and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

  1. 1886, 8th September – Thousands flock to Witwatersrand in South Africa as public gold-digging was permitted.

  1. 1888, 8th September – The first English Football league matches were played.

  1. 1943, 8th September – Italy surrendered to Allies.

  1. 1944, 8th September – A new German terror weapon V-2 Rocket struck at London.

  1. 1962, 8th September – The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) is established.

  1. 1962, 8th September – The Chinese army infiltrated the north-east border of India, crossing the McMahon line (Tibet-India boundary).

  1. 1966, 8th September – The landmark American science fiction television series Star Trek premieres with its first-aired episode, “The Man Trap”.

  1. 1990, 8th September – Northern and Southern Korean delegates met on the border for the first talk in 45 years.

  1. 2000, 8th September – Cable Television Network (Regulation) Amendment Bill was passed in the parliament of India, banning advertisements of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

Famous Birthdays & Birth Anniversaries on September 8.

  1. 1157 – Richard I, King of England known as “the Lion Heart” who began to crusade in 1190 which ended in the signing of three years peace treaty with Muslim leader Saladin.

  1. 1846 – Sir Catchick Paul Chater, a prominent British-Indian businessman of Armenian descent in colonial Hong Kong.

  1. 1901 – Hendrik Verwoerd, South African Prime Minister. He instituted the country’s policy of apartheid and was stabbed to death two days before his 65th birthday.

  1. 1925 – Peter Seller, an English actor. Best known for his comic roles, particularly as Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther series of films. 

  1. 1926 – Bhupen Hajarika, Indian singer, and musician.

  1. 1933 – Asha Bhosle, Indian film playback singer who has recorded songs for more than a thousand movies.

  1. 1979 – Pink, an American singer and songwriter.  

Death Anniversaries of famous people on September 8.

  1. 1933 – Faisal I, King of Iraq.

  1. 1960 – Feroze Gandhi, an Indian freedom fighter, politician, and journalist. He published the newspapers The National Herald and The Navjivan. He was a husband of Indira Gandhi.

  1. 1965 – Hermann Staudinger, German chemist, and academic, Nobel Prize laureate. He demonstrated the existence of macromolecules, which he characterized as polymers.

  1. 1970 – Percy Spencer, American inventor, engineer, and scientist best remembered as the co-inventor of the microwave oven.

  1. 1980 – Willard Libby, American chemist and academic, Nobel Prize laureate. An American physical chemist noted for his role in the 1949 development of radiocarbon dating, a process that revolutionized archaeology and paleontology.

  1. 1981 – Hideki Yukawa, Japanese physicist, and academic, Nobel Prize laureate.  He was the first Japanese Nobel laureate for his prediction of the pi meson.

  1. 1982 – Sheikh Abdullah, Indian politician, and former Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir.

  1. 1985 – John Franklin Enders, American virologist, and academic, Nobel Prize laureate. Called “The Father of Modern Vaccines”.


Swami Sivananda, (1887-1963), religious leader, Hindu universalist renaissance guru, author of 200 books and founder of Divine Life Society with 400 branches worldwide, was born in the quiet village of Pattamadai, District Tirunelveli.


Lokmanya Tilak charged in anti-national activity case.


Saint Shri Gajanan Maharaj died.


Anand Gopal Sheorey, great Hindi writer, litterateur and journalist, was born at Sausar in Madhya Pradesh.


Asha Bhosle (born Asha Mangeshkar), famous playback singer, was born in Sangli, Maharashtra.


There was little time to celebrate independence in India and Pakistan as large parts of the dominions were paralyzed with fear. Mobs ran wild as Muslims and Hindus battled to death and turned streets into rivers of blood.


The office of Controller of Military Accounts (Pensions) was re-designated as CDA(P), Allahabad.


The Copyright bill was signed during the first world convention by 35 nations including India at Geneva.


Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Premier of Kashmir, was shot at.


Feroz Gandhi, a prominent member of the Lok Sabha,died in New Delhi.


Chinese army infiltrated in the north-east border of India exceeding the Mac-Mahon line (Tibet-India boundary). This was the first ocassion of Chinese infiltration.


Pakistan commenced its drive into the Indian Punjab using its 1-armoured division with the aim to foreclose India's options north of the Beas-Sutlej river line, after foiling the southern most divisional attack mounted by 4-Mountain Division.


Vijay Singh Chauhan sets record for decathlon by 7378/7306 points at Munich.


Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, former Chief Minister of Kashmir, who dominated the political scene of Jammu and Kashmir for 50 years, died. He was 77.


Mother Teresa re-elected head of Missionaries of Charity.


Hostage ONGC engineer T.S. Raju and mediator Bipul Mahanta, an Amnesty International member, killed by ULFA in Assam.


Andhra cabinet reshuffled by dropping four legislators and bringing in 16 new faces.


Mandal Commission recommendation of 27\% job reservation for the backward classes brought into effect; 'Creamy' layer excluded.


Harcharan Singh Brar sworn in as the Chief Minister of Punjab.


English chosen as the official language of Dravidian University which was set up at Kuppam (Andhra Pradesh) jointly by the southern states.


Dr. Surinder K. Vasal, Indian maize breeder, and Dr. Evagelina Villegas, Mexican cereal chemist, jointly awarded the World Food Prize-2000 for their decades-long scientific quest to produce quality protein maize for developing countries.

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