26 October 2023 Today in History (English)

Created by Think Champ in Today In History 26 Oct 2023

Historical Events on October 26.

  1. Intersex Awareness Day & Accession Day (Jammu and Kashmir, India)

  1. 1863, 26th October: The Football Association was founded.

  1. 1936, 26th October: The first electric generators on Hoover dams were fully operational.

  1. 1947, 26th October: After the partition of India Pakistan, the Hindu king of the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir decided to go with India on the day of attack from Pakistan.

  1. 1956, 26th October: On the third day of the ongoing fighting between the protesters and the Soviet army, Hungarian new Prime Minister Imre Negi appealed to the people to maintain peace.

  1. 1958, 26th October: Pan American Airways launched its first commercial airline.

  1. 1994, 26th October: A peace treaty was signed between Israel and Jordan, ending the 46-year-old war.

  1. 1999, 26th October: National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) researcher VV Ranade was awarded a Golden Jubilee Fellowship by the Central Government.

Famous Birthdays & Birth Anniversaries on October 26.

  1. 899 AD: Alfred the Great, King of Wessex.

  1. 1270: Saint Namdev, Indian saint.

  1. 1890: Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, Indian journalist, and politician.

  1. 1891: Vaikuntha Mehta, Indian promoter of the Sahakari movement.

  1. 1900: Ezra Mir, Indian film director, the pioneer of documentary production.

  1. 1916: François Mitterrand, French statesman, the 21st President of France.

  1. 1919: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran.

  1. 1937: Hridaynath Mangeshkar, Indian musician, and singer.

  1. 1947: Hillary Clinton, American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, public speaker, and the 67th Secretary of State of the United States.

  1. 1954: Lakshmikant Berde, an Indian actor who worked in Hindi and Marathi films.

  1. 1974: Raveena Tandon, Indian actress.

  1. 1985: Asin, Indian actress.

  1. 1991: Amala Paul, Indian actress.

Death Anniversaries of famous people on October 26.

  1. 1909: Ito Hirobumi, Japan’s first prime minister.

  1. 1930: Dr. Waldemar Huffkin, the microbiologist who invented the plague and cholera vaccine.

  1. 1957: Gerty Cori, an Austro-Hungarian-American biochemist.

  1. 1979: Chandulal Nagindas Vakil, Indian economist.

  1. 1999: Eknath Isharanan, Indian-American writer and teacher.

  1. 2007: Arthur Kornberg, an American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology.

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